
Sugarbush Soaring is located in Warren, Vermont in the beautiful Mad River Valley. Here’s a map.


9 campers per week for two separate weeks each Summer. Our return rate is high; approximately 80% of campers who are eligible to return, do so.

2025 Camp Dates:

Session 1: July 6 - 12
Session 2: TBC: either July 20 - 26 or July 27 - Aug 2. Dates will be confirmed shortly.


The tuition for 2025 is $3,700 per session. Scholarships are available through Flight Experience for Youth (FEFY).

Camper Profile

Campers are eligible for attendance from the age of 13 to the summer after their graduation from high school. Many come from New England and the mid-Atlantic states, although in any given year multiple states and countries are represented.

What if I’ve never flown before?

That’s ok! We’re looking for campers with a passion for aviation and a strong interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) topics. Maturity, a willingness to learn, and a sense of adventure are all important. This is the real deal, with no “reset button”; our goal is to make you the best pilot you can be – whether you’ve flown previously or not.


Our maximum passenger weight is 242 lbs.